Sunday, October 25, 2015

What a weekend!

This weekend has been exhausting! Friday afternoon, we took some of the younger kids to the circus. After taking them back home, Sarah and I picked up the two newborns to bring them to our house. Baby S. (mine) is such an easy baby. She sleeps great and is just very good baby! Baby V. (Sarah's), on the other hand, is a bit more high maintenance. Really, he's great during the day. We think because he sleeps so well all day, that's why he doesn't sleep as well at night. The tías realize that he now needs a schedule and have vowed to keep him up in the evenings for awhile before bed so he'll sleep better (and they will too!). 

Saturday afternoon we went back to the hogar to take the kids to Horita Feliz. We ended up taking some of the older girls with us too as the tías were doing lots of reorganizing at the home (they're putting in ceramic tile floors in some rooms so everything was getting moved around again). 

Then this morning we had the craziest trip to church. For some reason, Sarah and I thought taking 11 kids to church by ourselves was a good idea. Really, had our oldest four from the baby home behaved as well as the usually do, it wouldn't have been a problem at all. But they can't always behave like the little angels they are and all of them behaved horribly. It was a zoo. Seriously. They wouldn't sit still, didn't listen and screamed a lot. Then we still thought taking them to the fundraiser lunch at another church was a good idea... We were wrong. We got a good lunch out of it but couldn't wait to take them back to the hogar this afternoon! 

I still haven't been able to get a good picture of I. since his surgery, but he got his stitches out earlier this weekend. We can't believe how great his lip looks! There's hardly even a scar!

Our "twins"

To get even a semi-decent group picture, they need to be sitting down!

Horita Feliz

Just so you have idea of what it takes to get the kids out the door to church on Sunday mornings... At some point every Saturday, we have to get out clothes for the kids. Don't forget shoes, socks and hair brows!

 Some of our crew ready for church!

 On the last Sunday of every month, our church recognizes birthdays and anniversaries of people in the congregation. I'll be honest, as on top of birthdays as I am, when it comes to sending them up to the front of the church during their birthday month, I usually forget. Sarah reminded me that D. turned 2 at the beginning of the month, so he got to go up to be recognized!

 We sing "Happy Birthday!" and then people from the congregation go up and wish them a happy birthday at the end of the song.

 Before they all decided to misbehave... We finally had to take their chairs away and they stood until it was time to go to their classes.

Que coqueta!

The church at km. 0 is a "sister church" for Belen. They invited us over for a fundraiser lunch today, so we headed over there for lunch after church. I don't know what we would have done if we didn't have Pastor Fernando, Nathaly and Marcela to help us!

 Love having this tiny girl around!

We returned home in what should have been the middle of nap time. With the kids sleeping in the living room for now (due to the tile being put in), not much sleep was happening! It didn't take long for D. to get put into time-out, and then A. climbed out of his crib and pretended to vacuum the floor... It's never a  dull moment with these kids!

1 comment:

Jennifer Beaty (Thompson) said...

So... I'm surprised that you "have" a baby again... And Sarah, too?! Are y'all going to be alright??