Friday, October 9, 2015

I.'s Cleft Lip Surgery

This afternoon I. went into surgery to have his cleft lip repaired. Based on the way his lip looked (his lip and gum were all one), it seemed like it could be a difficult fix and I know he was in the operating room for at least 4 hours. We recently heard the good news from Tío David that he came out of surgery just fine and will spend the next couple hours sleeping. After that we should have a better idea of what his recovery may look like. We're taking hospital shifts all day tomorrow and tomorrow night, although we have been told that he could possibly be discharged tomorrow afternoon. We're praying it's true! This is his second of three surgeries, and hopefully he'll recover quickly so we can schedule the third and final surgery to close his cleft palate. I'd hoped to see him at some point this afternoon but surgery took much longer than I anticipated and I wasn't able to go... I'll post some pictures of his new lip tomorrow!

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