Monday, March 24, 2014

It's a(nother) boy!

Look who joined us at the baby home this afternoon!

Baby G. is a week old and arrived right after lunch. I had been warned by Jennifer (CDA founder/director) of his possible arrival, but when he wasn't at the house before lunch, I assumed he'd been taken to another children's home. Then, Tío David received a call saying that Baby G. was on his way with a worker from SEDEGES (Bolivia's social services)!

Baby G.'s mother lives on the street and has known Jennifer for several years. She has five children and knew she could not take care of this one, so she made the difficult choice to give him up. We have some kids who were abandoned in rather crazy ways (left to die in the middle of a field, left under the seat of a trufi, mother was probably drunk as she tried to sell her baby…), so we're just so happy that she made a decision that gave her baby a future.

I got to hold him first! 

 S. happened to be downstairs when Baby G. arrived. I asked her if she wanted to hold him, and she was all for it. She loves babies!

So sweet!

Lindsey and Tía Eli meeting our newest baby!

First weight check… 2.78 kilos (just under 6 pounds)! 

Big fan of his first bath!

Look at that little face... Some of the tías were saying he looks Chinese! 

The 6 month olds (well, Baby A. is almost 6 months) officially look gigantic.

Baby C. is excited about the new addition because I'm not in charge of him, and Baby A. has already realized Lindsey has forgotten all about him to care for the new one! 

Tía Nilda immediately said, "This one's my baby!" 

He's so tiny and too cute!

When Tía Silvia heard a new baby was coming, the first thing she said was, "Tell SEDEGES (Bolivia's social services) that Tía Hannah and I are going to care for him!"


Jennifer Beaty (Thompson) said...

It was actually awful for his mother. She chose our home because she knows me, but the baby was taken from her and named by authorities because the hospital realized how she lives (on the street, and all that implies). I left her in a sobbing heap in SEDEGES while I drove off with the baby. :(

Hannah said...

That's awful and so sad! Not that the street is any place for a baby, but it's sad that she wanted him and was forced to give him up… We thought she agreed to give him up! Will she be able to come visit him?

Anonymous said...

Wow...babies A and C are really getting big!


Jennifer Beaty (Thompson) said...

I strongly doubt that there will be visits, rare with street cases anyway. His mother has never given me an ounce of trouble. She's not aggressive or anything, but her boyfriends are another story...