Monday, November 16, 2015

Bienvenido, C.!

I was just wondering the other day if we would be able to take any kids when called, and I guess the answer was yes! Today we were surprised with little C. Now it's a pretty well-known fact that I'm all about little girls, but this little boy is super cute! We don't know exactly how old he is yet, but it seems that he may be close to 2. As for his history, we were told that his mother gave him to her 15 year old friend who called SEDEGES when she couldn't care for him (and supposedly the mother has since gone to Santa Cruz). Now, our suspicion is that the 15 year old may actually be the mother, so it'll be interesting to see what becomes of his case in the next few weeks. We're not sure how much he talks and walks yet, but he did a great job eating his dinner! With the craziness of having all the kids over for S.'s birthday, I wasn't able to get more than these two pictures... Before and after his bath!

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