Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

I wish this blog post was more exciting, but we really didn't do anything to celebrate Easter... Even though we talked about the meaning behind Easter yesterday while dyeing eggs, the kids still really didn't have a clue what it was all about. Our church did mention Easter very briefly but overall, it wasn't really talked about... We think we may need to try the international (English-speaking) church next year so it'll feel more like Easter!

Of course the usual group picture was a must! Imagine them outside surrounded by flowers and green grass, all nicely standing in a line with big, beautiful smiles... We'll get there one day, I'm sure of it!

 1st Easter Sunday for these two!

 Las traviesas!

 And just a little extra picture... For all of you Shreveport-Bossier blog readers, did you see that yours truly made the Shreveport Times today?! That picture was taken when I was in 10th grade, I think... so circa 2007? I loved that picture at the time (the little girl on the right was one of my very favorites!) and think it's funny they still use it in advertising nearly 10 years later!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Dyeing Easter Eggs

This afternoon some of the younger kids and I dyed Easter eggs! Lindsey (a great friend and former CDA volunteer) and I dyed eggs with the toddlers at the baby house our first Easter here, and last year I planned to do it again on my own, but Carmin was returned to family and I went on a mini-vacay from the hogar to get away from it all for a bit days before Easter so we didn't celebrate at all. This year I was excited to dye eggs with the kids again, and they loved it! We definitely needed a bigger variety of colors, but the kids didn't mind. They had a hard time waiting for the dye to soak in and loved getting to mix their colors! When we finished everyone got to choose 2 eggs to have for a snack, and that might have been their favorite part of all!

Ready to begin!

 R. can be weird about unusual/new experiences and this was no exception. Once she watched the other kids for a few minutes she decided she'd like to dye eggs too!

 The pink dye really didn't mix well so the eggs turned out to have pink polka dots instead of being fully pink... Luckily J. didn't mind!

 In the middle of dyeing eggs, he had to go to the bathroom and was saying it was "an emergency!" Of course I told him to please run to the bathroom, but he refused, worried that he'd miss out on his turn... He only finally agreed to get up from his chair when he was allowed to pee outside... Such a boy!

 Brown eggs make them all look pretty similar...

Choosing which eggs to eat!

Friday, March 25, 2016

"It's going to be a Good Friday!" -Sarah

This morning all of the older children left to go to a church camp for the weekend, so Sarah and I wanted to pick up some of the younger kids for a fun outing. We ended up meeting up with some friends at the water fountain park and had a great time! Our kids were EXHAUSTED when we finally took them back home, so we'd say it was a success! It was a Good Friday, for sure! ;)

He wasn't so sure about the fountains at first but it didn't take him long to warm up to them!

As long it was on her own terms, she was happy to play in the water!

 All of a sudden a random guy from a tv station showed up and started filming our kids on live television!

 Then Sarah got a turn to talk too! We'll have to look up the station online to see if they have posted any clips!


 R. was super whiny and so tired so I was holding her while we waited on our food... All of a sudden I felt something warm on my leg... She peed on me!

 The culprit... sleeping through it all!

 Long-time readers will remember "Baby Benjo!" We got to spend the day with him, big sister Gaby (aka Samira... adopted from CDA too!) and their parents!

That lump would be R., asleep again!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

As seen in the hogar...

Just some random pictures from the past few days...

 I'm pleased to announce that after nearly 3 years of Tía Silvia's constant attempts to make me wife material for her son, she has officially failed. He's become engaged to an Argentinean woman which means I am now safe to enter the kitchen and attempt to help her cook, however feeble my attempts may be. The other day I helped peel potatoes like any good Bolivian woman knows how to do... No potato peeler in sight! I didn't peel all of those potatoes, but I did get through about 10. Tía Silvia made sure to position herself between myself and the bowl so she could inspect them and peel any part I missed before putting them in the bowl... She'll never fully trust me in the kitchen!

The same day I learned how to peel potatoes, S. had a homework assignment to write 15 sentences. Her 6th sentence was supposed to say "Tía Hannah learned how to peel potatoes." It doesn't quite translate that way ("Tía Hannah learned the potato"), but we know what she meant!

Riding on the moto, Bolivian style ;)

 Do you remember our fluffy, adorable little chicks from this post?! Well, they weren't fluffy, adorable or little anymore so earlier this week Tío David announced it was time they become dinner... Luckily I wasn't around for the killing, but I was there for dinner tonight... Guess what was on the menu?!

Sometimes it's hard to leave!