Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

I wish this blog post was more exciting, but we really didn't do anything to celebrate Easter... Even though we talked about the meaning behind Easter yesterday while dyeing eggs, the kids still really didn't have a clue what it was all about. Our church did mention Easter very briefly but overall, it wasn't really talked about... We think we may need to try the international (English-speaking) church next year so it'll feel more like Easter!

Of course the usual group picture was a must! Imagine them outside surrounded by flowers and green grass, all nicely standing in a line with big, beautiful smiles... We'll get there one day, I'm sure of it!

 1st Easter Sunday for these two!

 Las traviesas!

 And just a little extra picture... For all of you Shreveport-Bossier blog readers, did you see that yours truly made the Shreveport Times today?! That picture was taken when I was in 10th grade, I think... so circa 2007? I loved that picture at the time (the little girl on the right was one of my very favorites!) and think it's funny they still use it in advertising nearly 10 years later!

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