Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Feliz Cumpleaños, Tía Rosi!

I just wanted to post a few pictures of our birthday celebration for Tía Rosi… Her birthday was yesterday but since she wasn't working, we celebrated today. The kids didn't know that we'd be celebrating so they were thrilled with our impromptu celebration! S. and B. were still around working on homework so they got in on the birthday celebration too before heading back home. 

As you can see in the pictures, Rosi was a good sport and agreed to bite the cake! She didn't get it all over her face like the kids do, but the boys, especially D., thought it was HILARIOUS. She got lots of hugs from them and a sweet prayer from B. before dinner. 

The above picture really has nothing to do with this post, but I agreed to take S. and B. home on my way home. They'd been playing outside and B. came back in, begging Tía Rosi to let her take the boys' cat to the girls' house "so it can live with its little brother." Rosi agreed so I told her to go get it so we could head out. Rather than just go get the cat, she found a plastic bag to carry it in. For some reason, the cat didn't fight her. She was carrying the bag by the handles and the cat was just hanging out in the bag like nothing. When I suggested that she take the cat out and just carry it, she looked at me like I had gone crazy. While all of this was happening, the boys realized what she was doing and although they don't care about having a cat, all insisted that they didn't want her to take it. In the end, Rosi made her leave the cat at the house and we returned empty handed to the girls' house. 

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