Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lots going on!

The past few days have been pretty busy! We got our schedules on Monday, and I will be working at the baby home 4 mornings a week and 2 afternoons a week, at the girls' house 2 afternoons/nights a week, and one afternoon a week at the boys' house. It should be fun!

Also on Monday I started my Spanish classes. I can definitely tell that my Spanish is improving, but I still have some work to do. I will be taking 3 classes twice a week each.  I have really enjoyed them so far! We do some work out of a book, but it is mostly practice with speaking.

Yesterday I had an early morning shift at the baby home, but I had the rest of the morning off. I'm slowly learning my way around, and I took one of the babies on a walk around our neighborhood. I found 2 parks, but she was really too little to play. She did enjoy swinging though!

After lunch, Carlee and I went out for ice cream! Other than going downtown to get to La Cancha, it was my first time there. It was 2 flavors for the price of 1 day so it was extra cheap, but really yummy! Danyelle was supposed to meet us there but ended up being unable to come... I guess that just means we will have to go back!

I went to the girls' house after getting back from our trip to get ice cream. They are SO much fun! I love spending time with them. I also get to practice my Spanish a lot when I am with them. We colored, played outside, ate dinner, and then it was bedtime. 

It was also my first time to take public transportation alone when I left. I'll be honest, it was not the best experience! The taxi driver didn't know where to go, stopped to buy himself credit for his phone, and then charged me more when we finally made it home because he "didn't think I wanted to go so far into Cochabamba." I didn't argue because I was just happy to have made it home! Normally I am going to spend Tuesday nights at the girls' home so it won't matter anyway...

And now for Wednesday, I have the day off! I went to Spanish class and back on a trufi, completely alone so that was an accomplishment! Ana Maria, one of the little girls, is starting at a new school today, and we planned on taking her (starting next week we alternate days of picking her up), but one of the tías took her instead. I may still go over to the girls' house later though... we'll see!

Now for some pictures of the past few days... If you're my Facebook friend then you've already seen them!

 Swinging at the park!

 The swings were about the only things she could do!

 Can you tell how excited they get to have their picture taken? Obviously thrilled.

 He actually kissed her on the mouth, but she must've not liked it because every time he tried to kiss her after that, she turned her head!

 Love playing with these 2!

She told me she was "lista para dormir!" ("ready for bed!") She really does sleep in all of those clothes! 

Well, I have more pictures but they're taking too long to download... maybe you can see them another day!

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