Friday, February 5, 2016

CDA meets AISB

Last night, we were told that school today was cancelled due to transportation blockades all throughout the city. We already have a long weekend due to the Carnival holidays, so now it's just extra long! The school was open for anyone who needed to get some work done, so this afternoon, I decided to go and do a little redecorating of my classroom! I hesitated to do anything for awhile as I thought my position as the teacher of this class was short-term (for about a month or so) as I'd be moving into my own classroom so redoing it wouldn't be necessary. Now, it's pretty official that I'll stick with this class so some changes needed to be made... We'll see if some of our "issues" improve and maybe make some more changes! The kids are going to freak out when they come back, I'm sure. Just changing their seats made them a bit crazy so I can't imagine what this will do to them!

While I've been wanting to redecorate, I'd also been putting it off because the thought of doing it alone was a bit daunting and I knew it'd need to happen on a day with no school. This morning while at the hogar, I mentioned something about work to one of the girls, and all the girls immediately started asking when I would "FINALLY" take them to see where I work (they've been with Sarah to Carachipampa so now think they need to see AISB). Then I had the brainstorm of taking all of them with me to school this afternoon and letting them help redecorate. I'd psyched myself up for the crazy that was sure to ensue, and then they weren't allowed to go as none of them had finished their homework yesterday... So only R. got to come in the end. She tried to help and was very good about cleaning up after playing with different things around the room. She also helped a bit with taking things off the shelves and helping put things back together. In the end, I ended up just switching the rug and the tables (before the tables were at the front near the board and the rug was in the back) and we'll see how it goes! 

 These two year olds are absolutely wild! This was a rare calm moment this morning!

"Take my picture, Tía Hannah. I'm sleeping!"

Well if that's not the most pathetic sad face I've ever seen!

She's not one to be left out of pictures!

 Building her house

 Now building who knows what!

 Sorting bears into groups by color... She started pre-school this week and it appears she's the only one of the 4 pre-kinder kids who has yet to receive a note detailing bad behavior. If you know her, that's shocking really. 

 Classroom after

 Classroom after... My main issue of how to organize the desks seems to stem from the fact that I have 30 kids... THIRTY. There's just too many desks and chairs for them to all fit comfortably! They definitely have a bit more space than before though, so I'm hopeful this arrangement will work out.

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