Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas Cookies!

Sarah and I are in the middle of moving (what a pain!!!), so I spent Saturday night at the hogar... A combination of us having everything except furniture and internet at the new house, I needed to make cookies but had ingredients and pans at one house and the stove at the other, I really do enjoy it, and it makes Sunday mornings and getting 9-10 kids ready each week for church so much easier!

This Sunday is our big Christmas program at church. We've been taking the toddlers to practice for their Nativity play (I've got to figure out how to post it on Youtube because it's the cutest thing EVER), and the big girls are all singing with their Sunday School classes. The kids will be receiving gifts from the church and also all sorts of yummy treats! The congregation was asked to contribute to their treat bags, but as I knew they'd receive enough, I wanted the girls to help make cookies as a Christmas gift to their Sunday School teachers. I know I talk a lot about how great our church is, but it really is. We like to find easy ways to show our appreciation for all they do for our kids, so making Christmas cookies for their teachers was fun for all of us!

The older girls helped make the batter and the younger ones helped with unwrapping Hershey kisses (I splurged and bought the candy cane kisses for $10... Good chocolate here isn't cheap!) and putting sprinkles on the sugar cookies. As I'm really posting this on Sunday with yesterday's date, I'll go ahead and tell you that the girls were SO excited to give their teachers the cookies this morning. They really took ownership of having made the cookies and were so proud! Nothing like a little "it's better to give than receive lesson" right before Christmas! 

 "I'm the queen! Look at my crown!"

I may drop the ball on some church activities, but let it be noted that we were on top of baking cookies! ;)

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