Monday, July 29, 2013

Callie´s Visit- Day 1

For the next three days, I get to have my first visitor! Callie, the youth director at my church, is visiting Cochabamba with a group from her graduate school, but she´s coming to Cochabamba a few days early. She´s staying with me at the baby home. I´m excited to show her where I´ve been living and working these past 2 months!

Early Monday morning, three of the babies and I loaded up in a taxi and headed to the airport to pick up Callie. I wasn´t exactly sure how long it´d take to get there, and we needed some extra time to eat breakfast while waiting, but we got there extremely early (like almost an hour early...)! With all of the waiting, the kids really did great!

Speaking of the waiting we did, here´s a funny story! Right before Callie´s flight was to land, we went over to the waiting area where the two toddlers quickly made friends with everyone around us. I had several people comment about my ¨daughters¨ and ask if the toddlers are twins. One lady was very chatty and seemed especially confused when I said that the toddlers aren´t twins, but just sisters that both happen to be two years old. She then asked if the 3 drive me crazy. Right as I said ¨no,¨ toddler M. took off running away from me. She probably didn´t believe me, but they really don´t drive me crazy!

Hopefully I´ll be able to blog about our adventures every day!

The welcoming crew at the airport!

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