Friday, November 28, 2014

V.'s New Family

Today was a much-anticipated day… V. met her adoptive parents! We were told a few days ago that they would be coming and they didn't arrive. Then, it happened again. Every thing with their paperwork was finally in order today, and they were allowed to come visit!

Almost completely dressed and ready for the big moment! 

 First sight of V.'s new family! Rosa and their lawyer are standing between her parents.

 As they speak much more Quechua than Spanish, Yovana was called in to translate for them.

 Rosa bringing V. outside

 Sneaking a peak at the new couple outside!

 She usually isn't happy when meeting new people but surprisingly did very well with them!

 Meeting her dad

 She immediately leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek!

She is already adored by her parents!

They brought her some juice and snacks.

The crowd that had gathered outside during their meeting.

Getting to know each other

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