Sunday, May 3, 2015

Too excited for church!

Over the past several months, I've started attending a new church here in Cochabamba. It's a Bolivian church so it's been quite a change from my previous English-speaking/full of missionaries and other foreigners church. I do miss my other church but we're having a great time at our new church! From the moment we walk in the door (late usually if I'm honest), my kids are greeted by name and I usually don't see them again until it's time to leave as other church members take charge of them. Everyone gets one-on-one attention, and they are LOVING it! They have a great Sunday school class too and always come out repeating their new Bible verse and telling me stories of what their teacher did/said. They all happily go into their class each week, and throughout the week ask me if we're going to church that day. Three year old A. (oldest girl above) is making it especially easy for us to get to know other people as her current favorite question is "What is your name?" and she makes sure to ask it to everyone multiple times every Sunday. 

We're all looking forward to Sunday mornings!

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