Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Dia de la Madre (Mother's Day)

In Bolivia, Mother's Day is May 27. Because there is no school that day (tomorrow), our big kids' school had a big Mother's Day celebration tonight! S. and K. invited me to their pre-kinder class for the celebration. Unfortunately, K. has come down with chicken pox (we so hoped Edson wouldn't give it to the other kids, but K. and Matias both have spots now), so it was just S. and I. Her class sang some adorable songs about Mother's Day, we ate a feast, and then everyone went into the school's gym for dances and more singing. The electricity kept going out in the gym so it took forever to get the Mother's Day program going. We had to leave as soon as D. and B.'s 2nd grade class finished their dance, and I think it was pretty early. S.'s class was supposed to sing another song in front of everyone, but we left before they sang. She was pretty unhappy about the electricity going on and off so I doubt she would've wanted to go down with her class anyway!

Most of the pictures are from S.'s class but the others show the other kids with their special guests too!

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