Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saturday Afternoon

Just some pictures from before, during, and after Horita Feliz!

Typical group picture

 Eating our snack! We always make it a picnic.

 Chowing down on his mandarina!

Balancing things on her head is a favorite game! 

S. was reminding everyone to eat the bread and mandarin orange before drinking their chocolate milk! 

 Lindsey and I with our Horita Feliz group… Looks like we're taking an extra kid home!

Elizabeth has been here for about 3 weeks caring for Baby D. before and after his heart surgery. She'll leave tomorrow morning, so he moved in with the Boohers for the next several weeks. Melanie (right), a former CDA volunteer, arrived yesterday to help the Boohers care for Baby D. for a week. She's a nurse who works with children who need or have had heart surgery, so Baby D. is in great hands!

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