This past week has been full of goodbyes. First, we had our "last" Horita Feliz, then our "last" time to go to church on Sunday. Yesterday, I spent part of the afternoon at the boys' and girls' houses for the "last" time, and today and yesterday have been full of goodbyes to the tías and kids.
Now, in case you're wondering… I'm not leaving Bolivia. I am going back to the States for a short visit before coming back to Cochabamba, but I won't be living at the baby house anymore (although I do plan to come back and visit them lots!). It's a bit surreal to think that after two years, my time here is done. It's gone by SO fast!
During lunch today, Tía Silvia made one of my two favorite Bolivian meals- Sopa de Maní (yesterday she made my other favorite which is milanesas de pollo!). Rudi and Emily Booher came over to have lunch with us as well as Danyelle and her two friends who are visiting, Courtney and Elizabeth. It was a great time with some of my favorite people in all of Bolivia!
Danyelle brought over this yummy cake for us to share!
I knew something would happen to me at some point during lunch, and I was right. Tía Lucy put eggs and flour in my hair…
…and in an effort to get her back, I chased her around the house so I could put it in her hair, too. We made a lap around the house and I managed to hold onto the cake the whole time!
I was still on a mission to get revenge on her, but she saw me coming and ducked… and the egg fell on the ground. Danyelle, Courtney, Elizabeth and I finally got her back when they were leaving though. Danyelle gave her a hug goodbye and we all ran over and cracked eggs in her hair. It was hilarious and she was SHOCKED!

Tía Silvia has been planning for MONTHS what she can do to see me off. She keeps saying she wants it to be something that will make me remember her. Every idea always went back to the idea of spraying me with the water hose when I'm outside. I knew that even though she didn't participate in the whole eggs/flour event, she was still planning something. While Tía Lucy and I were cleaning up egg shells outside, she came out with two 2-liter pitchers of water to throw on us. While we were discussing how to get her back, she went upstairs on the balcony and managed to throw water on us again. Then she spent the rest of the afternoon hiding from us upstairs, knowing that we wouldn't throw water on her inside the house!
Group picture after lunch!
Tía Silvia refusing to come down the stairs… She wrapped Tía Lucy's jacket around herself and put Tía Lucy's pants under her shirt and said it wouldn't make sense for us to get her wet because they wouldn't have enough time to dry before Tía Lucy went home tonight. She won the battle… but only for today. We're already planning on soaking her when I get back to Bolivia!